Hiring process, made easy

Interviews are the most important step and we are here to help you get the best out of it!

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The hiring process


Interviews with candidates are recorded. Get recommendations for questions during the interview.


All candidate interviews are analyzed. AI generated reports highlight the compatibility in short summaries with individual scoring.

Choose the best candidate

Candidates are continiously measured against eachother based on all the interview reports, so you can confidently select the best candidate for the job.

Perfect Solution for your interviews

Imagine finishing up an interview with a candidate for a job, and receiving a full report of the interview, with highlight of what was good and what went wrong, how compatible the candidate is for the job both in terms of personality as well as competence for the position. This is what we provide with our simple click & play app. Interviews are recorded, anlyzed, candidates are recommended and the interview erased, in an unbiased, privacy ensured workflow to ensure the integrity of each candidate is protected.

Easy to Use, Scientifically verified

Humans are prone to bias, so are AI models, that is why we have developed a method of analyzing interviews that is scientifically unbiased to ensure recommendations and scoring of candidates are unbiased and trust worthy. The systems allows you to conduct the interview in any language and with the ease of a button, you too can have reports with summaries for each candidate sent straight to your email.

  • Unbiased Reports
  • Click and Play
  • Any Language